Monday, August 29, 2011

Court Yard of the Physics Building: NTU


I walked around there today. Lots of doors are locked with a special computerized key card security, however I could find ways to poke around.

Also, I bought a large Indian meal at the "Canteen" nearby for SG$3.50. That's about $3.15. I was impressed.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Singapore Botanical Gardens

The gardens are pretty awesome. Most unusual that I noticed was that it seemed to be one of the largest if not the largest botanical gardens I've visited.

Meet some new people. Made some new friends.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Majulah! There was a recent anniversary of Singapore and 'Majulah!" is everywhere on the signs.

I asked an old man on the streets what "Majulah" means and he started marching like a toy solider! "march forward! attack! onward!" he yelled with a huge grin as he walked away across the cross walk...

Friday, August 26, 2011


Dizzy, tired, disoriented, and my luggage is in Hong Kong. I did however find internets.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Singaporean Dollars

State Employee's Credit Union wants 85 cents for a Singaporean dollar.

Bank of America wants 90 cents.

Google says the current exchange rate is 83 cents.

Life In Singapore

Friend of friend's blog about their life in Singapore.

Blog writing during travels: stuff white people like.

Leaving to Singapore Aug 25th

It's a 26 hour plane flight. Going through Hong Kong.

Going to be working at the IAS for NTU in Singapore under the supervision of Kerson Huang, starting Aug 31st 2011.

They are setting me up with temporary housing for a month.

They promised to pay for airfare but human resources is claiming they will not pay for that. I will have to try to work that issue out in person when I get there. My pretty smile and good looks should help.